Felt Electric Joins Electric Bike Expo Events with New E-Bikes
Felt Electric has signed on to demo their line up of e-bikes at the Electric Bike Expo events for 2016.
They will have their current line up of fat, mountain, cargo, road, and commuter bikes along with some new models that will be available soon!
The following are a few of the Felt Electric bikes that will be available at the Expo events.
This is the Felt OUTFITTER fat electric bike (4”+ wide tires) for riding in almost any conditions. Felt also offers another fat e-bike called the LEBOWSKe.
The Felt DUALe is their full suspension e-mtb with the 27.5” wheels size. Felt also makes the NINEe, 29er hardtail.
The Felt BRUHAUL is all about hauling cargo. This e-cargo features 24” wheels front and rear for easy maneuverability in congested areas and a solid frame for handling heavy cargo.
The Felt SPORTe is quick commuter that weighs in at 40 pounds; very light for an electric bike! The SPORTe also comes in a step thru model.
This is the VERZAe, step thru commuter style e-bike for an easy get on and go ride!
I recently had a chance to ask Megan Duehring at Felt Electric some questions about Felt Electric, their new bikes, and their participation in the Expo:
Pete: Megan, could you give us some background on Felt Electric?
Megan: Felt Electric began working on product in Europe in 2010, partnering with Bosch, and released product in the Europe in 2011 and the USA in August 2014. We are a bike company at the core, so we knew our line needed to be pedal assist only, and Bosch was the obvious partner. We focus on cities that have excellent cycling infrastructure and study how people transport themselves. We want to enhance their lives with our products and design our bikes around it.
Pete: Why is it important for Felt Electric to demo bikes at the Electric Bike Expo events?
Megan: Felt Electric is a group of people who are passionate about getting more consumers on bikes and changing how they view the electric category. We want to extend our enthusiasm to consumers and let them experience for themselves how electric bikes can not only be fun, but can also be used as a tool for transportation and commuting. We feel our carefully engineered frames in conjunction with the drive systems from Bosch and Shimano STePS provides riders with the best experience possible on an ebike, and the Electric Bike Expo will give them a chance to see that.
Pete: The Felt Electric line up is impressive with multiple fat bikes, mountain bikes, commuter/sport bikes, and a cargo bike. In addition, Felt Electric bikes are some of the lighter e-bikes on the market. Could you tell us more about the Felt E-bikes that will be available for test ride at the Expo events?
Megan: We’re glad to announce that we will have at least one of each model at the Electric Bike Expo, including our new Shimano STePS commuter models. Both our Bosch and STePS powered bikes are pedal assist only, so consumers will feel the push of the motors engage while they are riding the bike as they would a non-electric model. Our line includes 3 commuting bikes, 4 mountain bikes, and one cargo bike.
Pete: Can you share any news on the new 2016 Felt Electric models?
Megan: We’ve updated all bikes from 2015 to display an even better lineup for 2016. We’re very excited to bring the BruHaul to the expo and show each city what’s possible for parents and kids. Each city has its own different set of circumstances, and the BruHaul is able to meet each challenge. We’re also thrilled to have consumers try our new Shimano STePS bikes and expose people to our electric experience.
Thanks to Megan Duehring for taking time to answer those questions!
Stay tuned for more about Felt Electric bikes and news on the Expo.
P.S. Don’t forget to join the Electric Bike Report community for updates from the electric bike world, plus ebike riding and maintenance tips!
Clint Smith says
I am unable to find anything about Bosch BB reliability for MTB use. Bosch reports nothing that I can find. What riding reports I have seen have only very short term.
Users of earlier versions (2012/13)had some problems that neither the sellers or Bosch would acknowledge. The current version, I understand has some chain suck issues in muddy conditions that are being dealt with by Bycycle manufacturers.
I note that Bosch will only warranty its motor for one year,
A major reason for my purchase of a BH Neo Jumper 2 years ago was it being the only eMTB bike with a 2 year warranty.
1400 km of mostly FSRs and rooty/rocky single track, I continue
to be very happy with its reliability and operation. Stopped on the trail only once – by a flat (rear and hard to change!).
I like to pedal and so far I have not been turned back by long climbs or distance.