The E-Bike Lifestyle: Saving Money, Low Sweat, & Cheating?
This is a guest post from Peter Rosenfeld; not to be confused with me! Peter Rosenfeld lives outside of Philadelphia and is starting his third year of riding a Bionx electric bicycle.
Why Do You Ride an E-Bike?
I get a lot of questions about why I ride a bicycle with electric assist and what are the costs involved.
The why WAS pretty easy. As a long-time bicycle commuter and recreational bicyclist, I hope to ride a bicycle well into my golden years. But about five years ago a relapsing/remitting neurological disorder I have became more severe, causing progressive weakness on one side of my body as well as fatigue and other symptoms. I was finding it very difficult to continue even my relatively short bike commute to work.
At first I decided I would have to give up bicycling and start using an automobile to get around. But my wife suggested I follow up on something I had considered earlier – an assist system to add to my bicycle. She felt the cost would be worth it.
In reviewing the kits, I found they fell into two rough categories. There were low-cost kits that were very heavy and used lead acid batteries. I refused to even consider such kits as they had short ranges and would make the bicycle very heavy so it would no longer ride like a bicycle and couldn’t be ridden without the assist. On the other hand, some of the high-end kits with lithium batteries were very light weight and had very good battery ranges, but the price of them took my breath away.
Breaking Down the Costs
One high-end kit I was interested in was the Bionx 350PL. It weighs 16 pounds (newer versions are even lighter), has a range of 25-45 miles (based on my experience and depending on the assist level), and a battery that should last about 500 charge cycles or about 15,000 miles at a moderate level of assist. The kit cost about $1,600 at the time, and the battery costs about $500 for a rebuild. I did some calculations and realized that even a high-end electric assist kit, if used instead of driving, would pay for itself in fuel savings alone, although there are a lot of other savings in not using your car. The car I own gets about 25 mpg on the urban/suburban routes I use. With gas around $3.50/gallon at the time, using the bicycle instead of the car would save $2,100 in gasoline over the lifetime of the battery, enough to pay for the kit and for a battery rebuild at the end of that period. So even if the kit only lasted 15,000 miles it would pay for itself just in fuel savings. I didn’t figure in bicycle maintenance costs like tires and chains as these are trivial compared to maintaining the car – even a couple of oil changes would exceed any of these costs.
Regarding these bicycle operating costs, the question I most often get asked is how much does it cost to charge the battery. The cost of recharging the bicycle, assuming an 80% charging efficiency and 14 cents per kilowatt-hour of electricity, costs about 6 cents per complete charge and would be about $30 over the 15,000 mile battery life. Almost too trivial to consider compared to other costs, such as battery replacement.
So I convinced myself that using an electric assist would make economic sense. And my doctor was encouraging it as she felt I needed to continue to get as much exercise as possible. Bicycling was about the only form of exercise I was getting even though it was fatiguing me – I found it easier to bicycle than to walk at this point.
I got the kit and couldn’t be happier. Not only was I able to return to bike commuting, I was also doing recreational rides again. The bicycle was just so much fun to ride. I ended up getting more exercise than I did before I became disabled just because I was riding the bicycle much more. I was particularly glad that my kit allowed me to use it in in various modes: a pure pedelec mode, where various levels of assist are added transparently to my effort using the Bionx’s torque sensor; or I could use it in throttle mode. The electric motor is strong enough to allow the system to move me at 18-20 mph on flat ground without pedaling. So whatever my mood or physical state, the bike was still fun to ride.
Since then, my condition has remitted to the point that I no longer NEED the assist kit. But I still use it because it has dramatically increased the utility of bicycling for me. There are a couple of areas where I think an electric bike really shines.
The Upsides of the E-Bike Lifestyle
The most important is the “sweat factor”. I live in a climate where, for about 5-6 months a year, bicycling with any strong effort will cause me to be dripping with sweat. This is no problem for recreational rides, but does become a big factor for transportation and commuting. Say I need to go to my doctor, who is 8 miles away. Before the assist, I’d likely drive so I don’t arrive for an exam sweaty. Or if I’m at work and going to a meeting at another site 6 miles away. Without the assist, I’d change into bike clothes, bike to the other site, shower, if possible, and change back into business wear. The bicycling takes less than 30 minutes. But the changing and showering adds another 30 minutes, making it take too long, especially when I’d have to repeat the process going back to my office. So I’d make sure to have my car on those days. But the assist allows me to get around without worrying about the “sweat factor”. Now I just cycle over in my business clothes and it takes almost no more time than driving.
A lesser effect is the increased speed and reduced effort. It use to be, I’d only bike errands that were less than around 8 miles, one way. It started to take too much time and effort compared to driving for trips longer than that. A 20 mile round trip on bike was fun, but I’d often be tired if I had to do more than one of those in a day. But with the assist I have a bit of boost in speed – my average speed goes up from about 13-14 mph to 17-18 mph – and a reduction in effort so even if I do 40 miles in errands a day I don’t feel tired out and can still do other chores around the house when I get done.
I also don’t worry about hauling heavy loads long distances. If I pick up 35 pounds of stuff at a distance grocery, I’m not going to worry about bicycling up my one big hill with the load.
Overall, I’m able to have a Dutch Bicycle “lifestyle”, riding around in street wear, but with our more extreme climate, hillier terrain and longer distances.
Are there downsides to this lifestyle?
The electric motor component adds a higher level of complexity to the bicycle. In the past, there have been few mechanical problems on a bike that I can’t fix, even when on the road. But if the electrical system fails on the bike, I am out of luck. Also, there are currently no local dealers who can repair the system but instead would have to ship it off to Bionx. Luckily, the Bionx system has so far been completely reliable.
I don’t have range anxiety – the fear of running out of power during a trip and getting stranded – because my bicycle rides quite well without power. But because I still do have some physical limitations, I find myself limiting my total trips in a day to the range of the bicycle to avoid riding long distances without the assist. The battery takes four hour to charge, too long to do while running errands or while doing a long recreational ride or while bicycle touring. I’d love to have one of the newer fast-charge battery technologies such as is used by the Schwinn Tailwind electric bike. In theory, this battery technology could easily charge a large Bionx battery in 15-20 minutes from an ordinary 120V socket. This would be excellent for 100+ miles a day bike tours. I could charge the bike back up during a coffee or lunch break.
Another downside is the attitude of some other bicyclists. Too many times another bicyclist will struggle to pass me, catch up to me at a stop, notice the battery and say something that implies I’m a “cheater”. Since I wasn’t trying to race the other bicyclist, this attitude seriously annoys me. I’ve never been into bicycling as a competitive sport but as a fun way to get around. But this attitude from other bicyclists keeps me off our recreational trails and other purely recreational routes so I can avoid this attitude. Hopefully, this attitude will change as ebikes become a bigger part of our cycling community.
But overall, the experience has been very positive, allowing me to incorporate bicycling much more into my daily life. And the wider range that I can cover on my ebike means that I am now pretty much car-free, not that that was my goal.
Has anyone else found that ebikes allow a more bicycle-oriented lifestyle?
End of Guest Post by Peter Rosenfeld
Please leave you comments and/or questions below for Peter.
P.S. Don’t forget to join the Electric Bike Report community for updates from the electric bike world, plus ebike riding and maintenance tips!
Hey Peter,
Great article! I totally get the “sweat” factor of e-biking! I only have an 8km commute to work, but no matter what, without the e-bike, I’m sweating like crazy by the time I get to the office – I we don’t have a shower – making non-e-bike commuting impossible for me. Now I use the assist on the way to work, and to meetings (like you), then I can bike home without assist if I feel like it, or not if I’m tired.
Thanks for the article!
Mike in Ottawa
Great points Mike! I also find that on an ebike I can make it to work
in almost the same amount of time it would take me to drive. And I
would much rather ride my bicycle 🙂
That is great! Keep up the good work of being out there on your
electric bike. I really enjoy talking with people around my town
about electric bikes and letting them know how useful and fun they can
be. Getting the word out will take time but sharing our e-biking
stories with others will make a difference!
Great story. I have started cummuting to work here in New Zealand and I love the start of my day and the end of my day as I do my 45km round trip to work and back. Just ignore silly statements about cheating. Is having a derailur cheating?
Cheers, Tom
That is great Tom! Keep on riding.
I ride thousands of miles a year, mostly commuting, but also recreationally. I always expected to get an electric bike when I got to be an old lady. But I had an opportunity to try one out at a farmers’ market, and I hadn’t gone 50 yards when I decided I was going to get one NOW. I lead a very busy and demanding life, and I have to be able to cut the grass when I get home from my 10-mile commute (one way), not flop down exhausted in an armchair. THIS is the answer. I pedal just as hard on the electric bike, but it goes much faster, so the overall effort is much less. I don’t get into the “head exploding” range anymore (which is not necessarily a good thing from a fitness point of view). I ride more because, with the electric bike, it’s not all that much easier or faster to drive. I can tow my 85lb arthritic old dog in his trailer and use the override button for an extra boost of power to get us over the humps. The BionX is much more reliable than I expected. After 2 years of use (the odometer reads 4,500 mi), the battery is holding up well and the only problem I’ve had is a slightly misaligned motor axle. Didn’t add much to the cost of my regular tune up. I ride mostly on bike paths, whizzing past the traffic jams. I figure every one of those miles on the bike is another $1 that I don’t need to spend on my car. And I get called a “cheater” too, but they’re all either envious or joking!
Thank you for sharing your story! Those are so many advantages of riding an electric bike.
Hey both Pete’s great story and web site.I’ve been riding Rayos for two years no problems but a little slow so I installed a 750 watt 48 volt front hub motor and another battery a little heavy but 30 miles at 20 mph 33 with pedaling.When they say “CHEATER” all I hear is “CHEETA” and race him to the next light “.Thank you for not littering” pass it on. Gregg
Thanks for sharing that Gregg!
Yes you are right riding E-bikes is really effortless and Eco friendly. Even maintenance and recharge is easy task!!
Great article.
As much as I like the idea of cheating, I prefer to think of e-bike commuting as “sticking it to the man!” Suck it, big oil!Back when my e-bike was lead powered (poor range), I used to plug in my bike at school. I was criticized for using someone else’s power. So I crunched the numbers and determined that if I gave a $5 bill to MCC at the end of every semester, they would turn a 100% profit. Sounds fair enough to me 🙂
Better yet, while other commuters were busy cutting each other off and racing to the next red light, I was enjoying a leisurely bike ride. For eight miles (each way), I rode on canal banks, through parks, through residential neighborhoods, along bike paths, etc. I only used about 0.75 miles of arterial roadway each way. There was even a “sweet jump” on my morning commute.
I have been riding and cheating with a Bion X system for 6 years now Summer and Winter riding in Saskatchewan Canada
Many of my customers at LeVelo Motor Company share similar stories and characteristics. The earliest folks to understand the beauty of e-biking were folks like me with physical challenges. Riding 125 miles a week has helped me to control my serious disabilities by improving my strength and stamina. The second wave of buyers are incredibly well educated folks who understand the value from an environmental and economical perspective. These folks have solar panels on their homes, have careers in sustainable fields. I hope the next wave of enthusiasts is to be found in young healthy people who just like to have fun, power and sustainability. In my 6000 miles I have proven to myself that I can generate my own power and buy wind from Rocky Mountain Power for 2.95 a kilowatt which will charge my battery 40 times. I feel ten years younger and enjoy an active outdoor lifestyle. Join us.
Interesting article, I commute 6km per day to and from work. Without my Whisper electric assist bike I wouldn’t as we live atop a 200m hill. The comments regarding cheating mirror ones I hear in the pool when I wear fins or paddles, just people having a laugh.
I actually find cyclists are very interested and some traffic light stops turn into impromptu seminars on the merits of electric bikes.
I would suggest. That they are a big part of our future. I wish I had shares in the industry!
Hi Andrew, Keep up the great work with your “impromptu seminars”! The more people know about e-bikes, the better 🙂
This was a great article! I learned so much about e-bikes! Something that I found very interesting was the fact that switching to an e-bike would pay for itself in just fuel savings compared to driving a car. I could imagine that it would be a lot of fun riding an e-bike around!