
Reader Interactions


    • Hi Derek and thanks for your comment. As I say in the article ‘Specifying your e-bike on your home insurance policy (or at least clarifying if it is covered and for what value) is certainly a good first step, though probably won’t cover all the heads of damage that you find in a specialist e-bike policy – however it may be enough for you if you just want a basic level of theft protection.’ I guess it may be dependent on what country or state you live in to some degree, but certainly not all home insurance policies everywhere cover, say e-bike theft away from home or many of the other heads you might find in a good e-bike insurance policy.
      Richard EBR writer

  1. Make sure it’s included in your home insurance. In fact insist on it that an eb is considered household,
    Travelers insurance consider any bike is not included stating storing outside of home.
    Couldn’t get them to understand eb are not stored outside.. yes I cancelled. GEICO will insure $15000 plus

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